Category Archives: Happening In The School

A special school visit from Marc Prensky


On Tuesday April 5th our school was honoured with Marc Prensky’s visit and both students and teachers had a chance to talk to him. For those who don’t know who Marc Prensky is, he is a writer and a speaker in the field of learning and education. Before his arrival, students had the opportunity to discover Prensky’s thoughts and beliefs through two of his most relevant articles: “Real World Accomplishment Based Education” and “Our new Global Empowered Kids”.

Students were fascinated and showed great enthusiasm to what Prensky was proposing, especially because they felt that someone was on their side, they felt appreciated. The students asked him questions based on the articles we read. Marc Prensky spread his positive and innovative thinking around the room, for example he said “The Internet is so powerful not because of its efficiency, but because of the things that it allows us to do and we couldn’t do before.” Marc Prensky motivated all the students to make a change with our passion and, most importantly, to make a change together.

We appreciate your time and thank you for introducing us to new ways of perceiving learning.

By Lafan Hasan

Our Sports Day

What is Sports Day? To most people it is a day in which we celebrate our health and fitness, but here in SEK Qatar it is much more than just that. It is a day in which we teach and are taught about teamwork, and it is a day full of fun activities enjoyed with people and friends from our community. The PYP’s Sports Day was held on Tuesday, January 26th and the MYP’s Sports Day was on Thursday, January 28th. Both students and school staff were divided into four houses, Scorpions (yellow), Oryxes (green), Falcons (orange), and Stingrays (blue) and all the different age groups had to do a series of athletic activities in order to win points for their houses. In the end, the house with the most points won, but as Mrs. Vivian said, “We are all winners”, because everyone did their best and everyone helped to win points. This was an exceptional day and I deeply believe we all look forward to the one next year.

By Claudia Montalvo & Lafan Hasan

The cafeteria finally opened!


Last Sunday the 17th of January the SEK cafeteria finally opened. A lot of you might have witnessed teachers, students or even adults purchasing food from there by using a white card. This white card is the only way to purchase food from the cafeteria and it can be obtained from the cafeteria itself. However it requires an adult in order to receive and charge it. The canteen serves a variety of provisions, mainly categorized into cold and hot food. There are different options within the cold food selection which includes all day snacks, salads, wraps and sandwiches. A small reminder to all students: hot food can only be purchased during second break. Whilst lining up, be sure to queue on the left hand side when ordering cold food and on the right hand side for hot food. Different people were asked for their favorites and recommendations. Grade 10 students especially liked the Caesar salad and the Zatar Fatayer, which can be found in the cold food section. Some grade 9 students enjoyed the grilled meat from the hot food section. As you can see most students really liked the food offered in the cafeteria so don’t forget to try it sometime!!

By Claudia Montalvo & Lafan Hasan

Photos by Arwa Shokair